
LOST: What happened to...?

IGN presents the Top 50 LOST loose ends.

It's a great way to look back at the show and try to figure out what's going on - and guess what questions will NEVER be answered.


Fun and Random

I am starving 24/7. Is this what winter does to us in Northern climates? We must eat when it is time for cold weather? Or is it something ingrained from my Viking-ish heritage? If so, why am I such a cheap drunk?

I have watched a rough cut of a later Buzz Show recently - the jokes are a little too easy sometimes. I guess that might make it safe or comforting, but I would like to see it seem a bit - riskier. Or just less go-to than it is now.

Applied for a morning show job. Considering I can't get my ass out of bed, this may be unwise, but hey.

I go home to forage for my dinner.


Xmas Countdown

I did my mom's family Xmas on the weekend, which was nice as it allowed for a certain amount of hanging out with the parentals. It's funny how that becomes an enjoyable thing, eventually.

Anyway, we were talking about the kitchen redesign they're planning, and I was talking about it with some interest, as my stint in lifestyle TV has given me a little more practical design knowledge than I had before.

"You'll have to re-paint," I said knowledgably. "It would be good if you could paint the same colour as in the living room - that way, it'll flow through and really expand the space..."

I would have finished, but that's when my mom and dad started laughing at me. "EXPAND the SPACE! Hah!"

I'll never have a big ego with the people in my life, at least?


Where to write

I ran into a friend waiting for the bus to work; he's a comic book/horror writer, and though most of his projects are smallish, he's very talented, scary-smart, and getting good buzz. He usually works at home, but he's been heading into his friend's office of late to work there, as he says he finds it difficult to write about horrible nasty things when his daughter is running around and wanting to play. Fair enough.

Got me to thinking about where to do writing - seems that a lot of people do so in coffee shops and so forth. I suppose home is too filled with distractions - I can totally understand that. Even so, my 'favourite' memories of mad paper-writing is of the times I dragged myself from bed at 4:30 or 5 AM. The still, silent, not-much-on-TV, no-one-online time of day worked so well for me - from like, 5 to 9, I would be able to sit and work, feeling a bit tired - but rested and focused.

I need to try to get up like that again, but I find it difficult to wake immediately, to pull myself out of a warm bed when it's dark and cold. I'm going to try to start working Sundays at the Metro Reference Library with the SO - now that I have a laptop, it'll be that much easier to do that sort of thing.

Where do people write? How much discipline is involved? Is it good to schedule time, or work when the mood/deadline strikes?

I believe you have my stapler...

"See, it's not that I'm lazy, Bob. It's that I just don't care."

I love Office Space. Mostly because I can so relate. I have a dream of doing nothing. It might get boring after a bit, but I bet I could sleep in and sit on my ass for a good year or two before it got old.

Ugh. To work. At least I have a fabulously warm fuzzy new hat! I am very bright this winter - a nice change from the usual black.


Oh, and audition...

It was fun, it was quick, I was interesting and quirky and fun. But there were many interesting, quirky, fun women there as well, so who knows? Callbacks are on Saturday, so I imagine I'll hear before then... I mean, if I get called back.

Go On With Your Bad Self, Stephane Dion

Though my chosen party of 'communists'(TM Eliza) are busily already dissing the new Liberals in the Globe and Mail, I am a little excited about this Stephane Dion heading up the Liberal Party. Like, it seems interesting that the guy who no one -really- thought would win kicked everyone's ass. Like it means there's a change coming, but who knows. Maybe the new boss is the same as the old boss. Even so, go on Stephane and rock The Hill. I wanna see that guy and Layton go at it.

My weekend was stupidly busy, mostly due to my own fault - I left things to the last minute, and when they went wrong - as they do - I had to rush around to fix them. So, I ended up backing out of some plans I had and forging forward with the original committment - less fun, but the job is done and I am pleased with the result. Last night was a large game (think Dungeons and Dragons, but with more people. And not a fantasy setting) and it was busy and mental and it was -interesting- on a lot of levels. I have a post brewing about why I like the idea of TV writing so much, and one of the reasons is from last night: When you want a scene to go a certain way, it -can-.

IndieProducer Guy is weird. Radio silence forever, then he IMed me Friday to mention that auditioning hosts was going well, though not giving me much of an update. I shot him an email today about an updated story idea, and he's asked me to contact them and get some people releases. So, it appears I am still on board, and maybe he's just super-busy, crazy-disorganized, or some combination thereof. I will think about giving him a call too though!

Caroline: I am pretty feisty. I think some might replace 'strong-willed' with 'stubborn', but I'm trying to learn. Also, I am meant to get some funky experiments done to my hair shortly - I do this sort of thing a lot.


Rain and Cold and Headaches and Weekends

The weather in Toronto is brutal today - It's cold and rainy, and I would rather it snowed. It also plays havoc with my migraines, as pressure is one of my big triggers. I'm doing acupuncture again to try to be rid of them - it helps with a lot of different issues I have, so I hope that it will continue to do so.

I have a weird weekend coming up - I have to finish and assemble a project for the SO; I have a show and a big gathering on Sunday; I have a commercial audition (!?!?!) on Saturday morning for a 'real people' sorta campaign - and it don't get realer than me, baby. Wish me luck - though I am not interested in acting and stuff these days, I am interested in the cash infusion a spot in a campaign could give me - so I am going to go on with my charming self and knock their socks off.

Also, I haven't heard ANYTHING about Pop Culture Show, despite emails and IMs. Maybe going off to try to see my brother's kid be born was a bad decision, but if so? Oh well. My family is important to me, and if people can't understand that these things happen, fuck 'em. I am getting that attitude more often lately - if you won't work with me based on my fashion, or my political beliefs, or occasional familial obligations, well. Whatever. I still hope to hear from the Producer Guy though, as it's a neat show idea.

And thanks to caroline for the note about The Nine - my interest in the show waned when I was sick and when I realized that the events during the hostage taking were more compelling than those afterward. Maybe it's another one of those shows that would have been well-served by a limited run - like 1 show per hour of the negotiation, half in the past, half in the present. I guess, in the end, I didn't see enough of what happened to keep my interest up... however, it was a great cast and an interesting idea - so raise a glass to The Nine tonight or tomorrow. Or take a hit from the bong. Whatever works for you.

ETA: Also, I am now taking a course on Canadian Cultural Policy. Oooh! So, soon, I should be the Queen of CanCon Info, and I thus welcome everyone to ask me questions, as it will make me do my readings.


In other news...

Why is it only Tuesday?



I am getting to this point where my days are less filled than they were initially - one batch of content gets shipped off and never needs to be seen again while another has slowed to a few weekly updates. Even the credits are beginning to be wrapped, which makes me look at the winter and wonder what I'll be doing with it other than being cold out in the main, freezing area.

Yesterday, I was coughing a lot and my head was killing me, so I went to work from home for the afternoon. Typically, the people that were totally missing without even a note or call ended up showing up after I went home. However, after reception was yet again pulled off for duties unrelated to her job here, I was having some difficulty figuring out what exactly I was doing attempting to power through a day when there was no one to pay attention or care. This is becoming the case more and more often... I feel like the only reason they care about what we're doing is they're paying us. It's sort of like when you're a kid and you have a best friend, and then they get a newer, cooler best friend and want to hang with them the whole time. We're the sucky old best friend. Or something. I think people honestly feel somewhat abandoned and without direction. The office is empty, too quiet, too many people get pulled away without anyone knowing where they are or why they're gone.

It's not terribly motivating.

Job Search Update: Applied for an entry-level job on a Very Cool Show doing PA Web-Stuff. I am IDEAL for this job. IDEAL. The question is, whether I get called for it or not. Sally's given me a contact at the Broadcaster to call and ask for ideas/help - but I'm not sure if the contact will be able to do that much. I'm still hopeful... I would really like this opportunity.


Taking a leap

I am successfully (I think) fighting off my cold with the help of Zinc and Cold FX and vitamins. Awesome. I am less tired today - always good for a Friday.

Today, things I have learned from roleplaying games about characters (in order to remind myself that risks are brilliant...):
  • Even when you lose, you win - character development comes from crashing and burning rather than succeeding
  • If you choose to create a character that has vastly different ideologies than everyone else, that character will occasionally become frustrated with the world around her
  • The only risks to take are big ones - the stakes are what makes it all so interesting
  • If you have to broker power, you don't have it
  • Getting attached to a character just makes you too conservative with it
I don't know that they all apply to other genres - but I've had occasion to consider these things of late.


An Actual Conversation (Paraphrased)

Minion: *snickers*

Co-Worker #1: What're you laughing at?

Minion: Just watching an episode... this guy is hysterical. *monotone* 'That's cool. Wow.' Like, could you be less enthused?

Co-Worker #2: Was that So-and-So?

Minion: Yeah.

Co-Worker #2: That guy's a scumbag. And he was totally stoned.

Minion: Are you serious?!?

Co-Worker #2: Oh yeah. I think he was most of the time we were shooting.

Minion: You'd think you might want to be sober on TV.


Later, while giving back the tape...

Minion: That guy's hysterical. #2 says he was totally high the whole time.

Co-Worker #3: Really? All those girls he's got on there are call girls too.

Minion: What?

Co-Worker #3: Yep. Real class act, that guy.


Just caught a pilot...

For the Buzz Show for CBC.

I really really really hope it works, because I enjoyed it. It's not perfect, but it's fun and funny in places and has some great (and recognizable) talent.

Please, don't drop the ball. As much as I'd like to get out of here, I still want the place to do well - and I think this show deserves a shot.

No TV No Coffee Makes Minion Something Something

Don't mind If I DO!

So, my brother has a baby! Yay! I will likely not meet T. until the holiday, but wow am I excited.

Coffee machine is broken at work. That's coffee machine #3 since I've been here - which is not long enough to trash three coffee makers. Like, we brew a lot of coffee, but not much more than 3-4 pots a day. I think. I drank some tea, but today it's not cutting it. Waking up at 4 AM, eventually sleeping, then sleeping IN + half-hour wait for the bus = groggy, spacy Minion.

Yesterday, JerkHost waved to me as he pulled out of the parking lot. AMAZING!

Also, if any of my guy-writer-readers were loitering around the Starbucks at Yonge and Wellesley at 10ish on Saturday, I heard you talking about script stuff on your cell... I only post this because said Cell-Script-Talkin'-Dude looked vaguely familiar.

There's some random sleepiness for you. Back to Contra!


...And now, complaining about other people

Which I know I shouldn't do excessively when it doesn't directly impact me - however:

On arriving v. v. late to work, do you:

A) Get to work, skip lunchbreak, and hope you don't have to stay late

B) Get to work, take a shorter lunch, and expect to come in early

C) Sit down and read the paper

See, it shouldn't bother me; it's not anything that affects me, it's not anything that I honestly care about but for the fact that I feel like, if it were -me-, there might be issues.

Or maybe not. I am grouchy. Lunch was avacado and cream cheese wrap w/ cucumber and sprouts. Not quite mac and cheese, but still helpful!

Also: I missed my Pop Culture meeting on Sunday, and no one got my email about the fact that I would have to... so they were wondering what happened. :P:P I am supposed to talk with the producer tonight, so I guess I will know better then!

Still no baby.

Babies = Inconvienient Little Bastards

I have travelled over 700 kilometres and made about 5 connections in 24 hours to get to a hospital in hopes of seeing my brother's kid-to-be become a kid, then back here. Sadly, baby was stubborn and my trip was more or less for naught. I managed to drag myself in from the north only two hours late. Producers were sadly having a meeting with a new writer at the time - but I'm actually here, which could be considered better than H, who's managed to sleep in again - this time, well past noon. Still haven't seen him yet.

So, I got my vitally important credits crap done and over with. Excellent. Now, I am here for the rest of the day - tired, grouchy and desperately wanting to be at home with the cats. All I've wanted since last night was to go -home- already. And now, I have four to four-and-a-half hours to wait... plus the joy of taking transit home. Maybe today is a good day for an actual real, live lunch break in which I read my book and zone.



So, today I might surprise people a little, but I'm gonna write about pro wrestling today. I watch pro wrestling somewhat regularly and enjoy it a great deal. At first, when I came to it a few years ago, it just amused me. It's a soap opera for men - and often a pretty homoerotic one - with the most ridiculous storylines this side of Passions. After awhile, it was the business and how it runs, the backstage gossip that interested me. I don't think there's a genre of television where the performers have so much control over the storylines, the outcome of the matches. One's career can be very different depending on who you know, who you're married to, and so on. And lastly, I came to really appreciate the athleticism - sure - it's pre-determined and all, and it's often silly - but check out A.J. Styles leaping from the cage at about 2:36 in this video and tell me it doesn't take some form of skill and talent.

Anyway, this week past, TNA Wrestling (Total Non-Stop Action... I dunno) went to prime time on Thursday on Spike. It used to air at 11 PM, and went to 9 PM. I was immediately struck by some differences - which I suppose was to accomodate the move and increase viewership... while not alienating people who have been watching all along. I am not sure that TNA was entirely successful.

Wrestlers rely on gimmicks for a storyline - and these gimmicks remain pretty constant, whether the character be 'good' (face) or 'bad' (heel). They do change from time to time, but the difficulty is in changing a gimmick in a way that people can still accept and that doesn't assume your audience has the long-term memory of a gnat. There were a few changes that seemed just to come out of left field - and one of these was the transformation of anarchic good ol' boys Kip and B.G. James from the James Gang into the VKM. I could tell you what it purportedly stands for - but it doesn't matter. It -really- stands for Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the head of the WWE. Though I very much enjoyed the ragging on the WWE the were doing initially, I began to think - wouldn't TNA be better to take the high road? Kip and B.G. were popular (over) before - and that was without them declaring war on the E. In the end, I think the lesson there might be - on any show, it's stupid to give the competition -too- much attention.

But who knows - it might work. I just think maybe they ought to be sticking to the stuf that makes them obviously superior rather than pointing out the fact that the competition is evil.

Also, something cool - I saw Gail Kim use Trish Stratus' moves and went, 'Cool!' then 'Aw. She's really retired.'

There's the bad and the good and lots of the weird and bloody and mediocre - but wrestling's an interesting business. You might hear about it again from time to time.

EDIT: I have found out what happened with the weird gimmick changes in the prime-time debut - Vince Russo, aka 'The Final Nail in WCW's Coffin' is now doing the writing/booking (Match planning). God help us all.


More on Communication + Updates

I am beginning to realize that many people simply do not read emails, to the point of thinking there are problems that have been addressed much earlier in the email chain.

Unsurprisingly, the examples that have brought this to mind involve me, Execs, Producers, Hosts, etc. etc. And SPONSORS, which are becoming the bane of my existence. Not because they exist - they all are decent, interesting people - but because everyone here stresses that the sponsors are VERY important and need to be taken care of... but there's no one to do it. WProd is the usual contact, but she's got a lot going on personally and professionally - it's tough for her to do. As you might remember, we have no marketing person, because, for some reason, they decided not to hire back an old employee like, two hours before contract signing. So I am picking up a bit of slack there - contacting sponsors for web stuff, maintaining credits, etc.

Yesterday's flurry of emails was sparked by the fact that a 'sponsor' - and I quote because they're only in there 'cause that's where Hosts get aesthetic services - was upset because they were promised special thanks and were not in the credits. Well, take a moment to pause your VC/PVR and LOOK. They're in the credits for every fucking episode! So, I pass that on and me and one of the Art people work out a time to get thier logo into the show so they'll shut up and Hosts can still get into a tanning bed for free. :P

Today, Producer Dee - who is sick, so I will cut her slack - is all 'we're getting a form to double check the database and all them to all the special thanks'. Um, well. T, if you'd read the emails, you would see that the sponsor was added to all episodes in SEPTEMBER, like I SAID VERY CLEARLY.

In the end, all this frustrates me because it stems from not paying attention. It takes very little to actually listen to people, to full read an email, to look for something that's right in front of you. It's just that people would either rather get upset or look like they're being proactive and awesome rather than taking a minute to pay attention. You can learn a lot by just listening. It's sad that more people don't.

Job Update: Nothing heard yet, but I am hoping that I'll get a call or email in a couple of weeks; Pop Culture Show meeting is on Sunday! I'll give an update on that one soon. Keep fingers crossed.



There seems to be a lot of energy around communication these days - If you'll all indulge me in a bit of my new-agey stuff for a bit. My DailyOM horoscopes primarily centre around ways to express oneself or listen to others, I am finding myself in interesting conversations, DMc is sparking debate and encouraging a revolution in the way us Canadian TV types interact. It's an interesting time.

Why am I on about this? I've also been thinking a lot about the communication at my workplace, or sad lack thereof. It was brought into pretty clear focus by the sheer amount of information I am noticing is either passed along through rumour and conjecture, conflicting, or just not passed on at all. There was a particular amount of confusion about a holiday - which is just weird. I mean, other places I have worked have generally made it a point to make sure everyone knows what's going on. Big Copier Company was particuarly awesome about this unsurprisingly; even if it's a small message like 'The following people are off this Monday..." or "The Execs will be in the following days this week...", it would still keep everyone in the loop.

(Granted, to accurately tell people when the Execs will be in would require that they maintain a schedule.)

Maybe I'll address this at some point, but I don't see it changing. Email conversations trail off into the ether, unanswered; discussions don't make much sense; nearly everything is a last-minute panic thing. I guess I'll just keep looking for something else.

Job update: Big Media Corp. job is closing Tuesday, so might hear something a few weeks after that. I have applied to be a gossip writer as well, which is like a dream job for me - but I am not sure how magazine work is. When I worked for NOW, it was awesome... but that place is a whole different world.



So, Callaghan posted asking about the Battlestar Galactica podcasts - and that inspired me to hunt them down as well. You see, apparently, I don't get enough Cracktica in my weekly dose, so must go to other places to get me through.

Everyone who had that discussion - THANK YOU. I spent my day of writing a FASCINATING article on colour and databasing listening to the three part writer's meeting - and I cannot tell you how interesting and -instructive- it all is. It's also exciting to hear a group work with such creative synergy - inspiring, even. If you watch Galactica, I urge you to check 'em out on iTunes. If you don't watch it you can as well - just might be a bit confusing.

Now I want to spend the weekend with Alias commentaries. I miss the wigs. :(


Eeeee hee hee hee hee

indie producer guy says: (1:32:45 PM)
Thought you would like to know that Bite TV has decided to pick up Pop Culture Show!! So, we will be having a meeting shortly to discuss the next steps.

Pop Culture Show is something that I was working on as a side-project. Given my educational background, love of all things cute, and interest in TV production, it seemed like a perfect fit. So, I threw in some time at story meetings, and wrote a bunch of stuff for the pilot we were working on.

It's been picked up. I am not sure on the details of the buy, or where I might fit in... but Indie Producer Guy told me that he might want me to be a co-producer or something. Wow.

This, a productive specialist appointment, and Britney dumping K-Fed by text. It's a pretty good day.


Friday Night Lights

I hated football in High School. I cannot accurately describe HOW MUCH I hated it. I hated all the players, all the cheerleaders, the spirit days, being expected to cheer on the team. HATE. There was a lot of football at my school, as well - it had (has?) a long tradition of provincial championships and all that good stuff. I was a goth theatre geek in a small town, and I went to a farmer school. If you were already inclined to hate, there was a lot there to complain about.

(Oddly, I had no issues at all with dating my super-hot 6'5" Catholic-school basketball playing boyfriend. Perhaps it was the super-hot part. Anyway...)

So, I am surprised that I want to see Tim Riggins kick ass and go pro so badly that I am looking forward to seeing actual football next week.

I am surprised that I like the show just that much. Well played, NBC.

Things I am doing other than working today

  • Being annoyed with e-mail spastic roleplaying game buddies (shuttup)
  • Waiting on news about online gaming (shuttup more)
  • Sending colleagues useful links for their lives, but not for work
  • Listening to other's music
  • Doing the crossword
  • Making plans about which Lifestyle host to off if the infection goes to my brain and I have an excuse for such behaviour
  • Wondering if it's wrong that Adrian Pasdar's hotness grows in equal proportion to Nathan Petrelli's bastardy
  • Wondering where the hell everyone IS already
  • Making lists of things to do
  • Having meetings to make lists of things to do
  • Weighing the benefits of leaving early over the drawbacks
  • Writing this post

Thank you to wcdixon, caroline, and the silent MILLIONS (I'm so totally sure!) who have thought of me recently. I am getting better and having people skilled in such issues checking 'em out, so - cautiously optimistic.

I think I will be proposing something similar to Hiro's Blog for 'Heroes' for the Buzz Comedy for the Public Broadcaster - If I can manage to get it cleared, I can set myself up to write for a specific character - always good. But I think the response 'Hiro' is getting is indicative of how much that sort of thing can affect people's investment into the character and the show. Even if I leave and hand it off to someone else, it'll be a good promotional tool.


Return of the Mack

So much of my life is defined by guilt - what I OUGHT to be doing, what I SHOULD be doing - and I really hate it. I am going to work on changing that.

The concept of guilt as a defining emotion is brought into sharp and clear focus any time illness comes into the picture. I have a couple of different issues that can knock me out - one a episodic mental problem that has inspired my 'Tales from the Loony Bin', as well as a few script ideas; the others my health issues that have plagued me since I was a kid. Either one can knock me out of contention for a few days, but at least with my depression problems, I have ways of coping - intense, aggressive positive thinking (ie: 'This -will- be a good day, you -will- get work done, no one hates you...'), meditation, what have you. Not so much with this recent bout of infection.

Infections are perhaps amongst the most evil of ailments. Incredible pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, cold and exhaustion - plus whatever side effects one gets from massive amounts of antibiotics trying to shore up the bodily defenses. In other words - Dude, I am tired. Tired and incredibly emotional a month-and-a-half long illness - seriously, I get weepy just from pain or thinking about how fucking long this thing has lasted. But. I am getting better. Monday through Wednesday, I looked like paper-white, even with blush. Today, I have some colour back.

Anyway, this gets back to the guilt thing - the past two weeks have been, shall we say, not the most reliable at work. This week in particular, I have been out more than in, but I've been doing my best to work from home - as much as I can when I'm all hurty. But even so, I feel like crap about not being here - even if there's nothing much I could do, even if the day I -was- in early in the week was hell, even if I was in such intense pain all weekend and early in the week that painkillers worked for an hour and I slept to escape the hurting. Despite KNOWING that I needed that time to heal, I feel awful about it - even when I got a kind email from WProducer noting that she was sorry she wasn't aware of my illness. But still, guilt. Guilt for missing work, for not working on side projects, for not writing, for all the various stuff I'm supposed to do and can't get the energy for. It's something I'd like to move past, but I don't know if it's that easy...

Even if there's nothing wrong with doing what you can when you can. I think our society gets far too wrapped up in productivity at the expense of people - people get sick and there's no magic pill that heals them; for issues that aren't defined as 'in-patient', sometimes a person just needs rest to give their body a chance to fight off the illness. Work culture is not very understanding of that, which is just bizarre - we've all dragged ourselves in when we have no right to be standing, let alone being out in public. Thankfully, whatever problems I've had here, they seem too be not-too-pissed about the whole ear-thing. Which is nice.

So, I'm back - hopefully for good. Have an appointment with a specialist on Wednesday. On the work-front, new developments: A tape of 'beauty' shots from a trip far, far away for Show #1 is royally fucked which has made producer Dee very, understandably upset; the new comedy seems to have good buzz and be going along well; Show #2 is doing well. I'm slogging through stuff and getting saddled with sponsor contact - big surprise. I've also applied to a specific and fascinating job with one of the bigger entertainment conglomerates, which I am hoping to get called for. As much as people are lovely here, I would like some more security than this place provides.


Radio Silence

Really kinda sick. :P I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise.


Heroes: Before I Forget

Nathan + Flight = Awesome.

However, that was not my point. In the scene where Hiro and Nathan meet in the diner, I was first a little 'what's with the English?'. However, I do know that Japanese with PERFECTLY good command of English will refuse to speak it 'cause they think they suck. But! I realized 'Hiro' has been posting to his blog... and asking people for definitions of words. He recently asked for two: 'Landslide' (re: Nathan) and 'Mudslide' (re: drinks in Vegas). When Nathan asked if he won last night, Hiro tells him 'Big Win - Mudslide!'.

A tip of the hat to the writers, who undoubtedly made the hundreds of commenters and thousands of readers freak out in that one moment. That's a nice shout-out, people.


I was going to post this morning - honest! - even before the lovely Caroline's check-in appeared in Gmail. Thanks - still alive, but working on the opposite. :P The infection continues to plague me, and I think I will be demanding a specialist shortly. Two courses of antibiotics seem to be taking a toll on my body. :P

Other than sleeping, sleeping, and being generally grouchy with the world, things have been decent. Slow, but interesting work proceeds apace on my project with the husband - who I will now name Vaughn 'cause someone said he looked like Michael Vartan once. It's a stretch, but it means I'm Sydney! Anyway, Vaughn and I have had some good talks about character and such, and I have done a little writing. He's a little wrapped up in his course - understandable - and I should be soon as well. However, I am trying to schedule specific times to work.

In terms of work, I was home yesterday due to illness - which is both nice and not-nice - nice in the way of getting writing done, getting it done on my couch and being able to nap part of the afternoon, bad in the sense that I am never sure what 'enough' work is; I mean, when you go into work, you're done at the end of the day, regardless of whether anything's been accomplished - at home, you feel like you MUST produce to justify working at home.

I wish this worked for my personal writing - a possible solution is kicking myself out to the Metro Reference Library once in awhile. It's down the street from the house and has proven to be excellent for research in the past.

Speaking of research, I should look into my online course - as I am still, slowly and painfully, finishing my degree. Once I get it, I'ma be like Rocky up on that podium. They'll never get me down.

(Also, Writer Update: Haven't seen them in awhile, but when I tried to help with a tech problem, they were quite nice and know me now... sadly, I think they may have been moved to the new show office. Serves me right if I was being a wimp about the whole thing.)


Taste and the Internet

I'm following a few discussions about Battlestar Galactica on Livejournal, and I'm finding it interesting how perpective is so important to how each of us views a TV show.

I love BSG, and I find very little to complain about with it. Other people have issues that I can certainly acknowledge, but many of them, I can't see. I dislike Firefly, as much as I wanted to like it. I love Buffy and The West Wing, but there are parts of both shows that drive me insane with annoyance. I love Melrose Place, but only a few seasons in the middle. The reasons why someone is inclined or disinclined to a show are totally myriad and personal - and I suppose the challenge is really to appeal to -enough- people.

I sometimes wonder if the internet - which gives a huge number of people the ability to post their personal perpective n a show - has made people hyper-critical. I mean, it's good to voice opinion, good to discuss the good and bad of things. But - how many times have you seen a comment about a episode and think 'I totally missed -that-', or 'That's wrong!' -- or 'Wow, I didn't think of that'? By putting together all those people, influencing each other's opinions - is it easier now to say 'Yeah, you're right. This show sucks now'?

She says, posting to a blog...

Commercial Thoughts

I have to say - the Volkswagen 'Holy..." car crash ads are brilliant. The very example of 'And then, they came out of nowhere.'


(And Heroes totally ripped it off in the third episode.)


Early morning 'smokers' cough

The husband's job requires that he must be at work about two hours earlier than the rest of the world. That means getting up with the start of Breakfast Television. As I am his partner in most things, I try to drag my ass out of bed at the same time - it allows me to move at my usual glacial pace without actually being late. As I am chronically late, this is a good thing. This morning, I was able to sew up holes in my sweater - thereby allowing myself to wear a rather nice outfit. Go me.

Being in early also gives me the chance to listen to what's going on around me. Often, all of that is drowned out by the music and loud editing, so on - so it's nice to listen to conversations about actors, hosts, rooms, etc.

However, coming in early also leaves me to read email before I am totally awake... Which is okay, but sometimes can immediately worry me. This tends to happen with WProducer, who sends emails in the small hours. The latest emails have me worrying that I am going to have to end up carrying some of her and marketing's job - since she's not here, and we don't have someone handling marketing. Because hiring someone when the main sponsor contact is NEVER IN THE OFFICE would be just silly.

Anyway - I don't mind contacting sponsors and stuff, especially with regards to my job - like, no one else really will and no one else really knows what they're talking about in that situation. But - I don't want this to be part of my job, you know? I don't really want to deal with marketing, don't want to have to tell sponsors that we don't have the data that they need to justify sponsorship, because we couldn't be bothered to get proper web analysis software.

People are coming in later all the time. Usually, everyone's here by around 10 at the latest - now, it's beginning to creep closer to 11. As I have a cough for some inexplicable reason today, I may take my coming in early and illness as reason to leave early and work from home.

Eh, we'll see. First, I gotta do some research, make some calls. Whee.


Wanna know what I love?

I love this:

"My name is Hiro Nakamura, and I'm from the future."

From the future with mad English and KATANA skillz. This future? I'm on board.

This is Random: Monday

I managed to buy, then lose an umbrella this weekend - it had not even been touched by rain! This is why I told the woman that a $10 one was wiser than the $40. It was left at a pub, I think, so I will consider it lost.

Good things: New Loubotin-esque shoes - black patent stacked heel Mary-Janes. Time with friends. Bad things: Walking ten floors down in said heels; sunglasses suddenly losing structural integrity as I was about to exit the subway.

One of those days where I so don't want to be here that it's not even funny. I mean, it's like it really wouldn't make a difference if I was or not. (This is not entirely true - there were a few credit issues - but other than that...) Even so, I am courageously sticking out the last ten or so minutes. I rule. :P

I really don't know how some days can be long and drawn-out-awful while some days can be speedy-quick and not horrific at all. It's a strange thing that seems to have no actual correlation to my mood or work. Very odd.

Producers came in today! AMAZING! They were here for all of like, two hours - but I guess that was something. There was some talk of their return after a big ol' meeting at our Public Broadcaster, but that lasted maybe ten minutes. The thing I really am astounded about is - this is their BUSINESS. They OWN it, as far as I'm aware. I would think people who own several shows and a production company might put a bit more effort into getting face-time with staff. But what do I know?

My old office is still being used by the writers - so I guess I sat in the Room for a bit? The proto-Room? I'm still afraid to talk to them - but they seem more or less the same way about us. I need to take initiative, but am lame.

I am not in the fucking credits for Show #1 - just bothered to check that today. Thanks, guys. I guess I would have to actually bother to catch Show #2 to see if I made it in there.

I maintain the credits, but I don't get one. Story of my life.


Reflections on going out with people...

I had started a post on Friday about some work crap, but our interwebz were up and down - but suffice it to say that ain't no one happy at my workplace, and I wonder how things will go over the next few months. On the plus side, I kicked off my Friday with a glass of wine.

I went out to a housewarming this evening, and the husband and I ended up going for a drink afterward with a ex of mine who works in comics and illustration, primarily. I had a good time listening to him go on about this deal or that, this friend of ours or that, and interjected occasionally - but didn't feel my usual need to cut in with my own stories. On the way home, I said to the husband that it was interesting - that if you let people talk, they just keep going... they'll tell you practically anything.

"What, you didn't know that?"

I'm an extrovert, so this is a revelation to me. And I suppose, something interesting for dialogue and character - some people talk and some people listen. If you can make yourself into someone who listens, there's no end to what you can learn.

Comic Guy and I have a weird relationship, but I am hoping that we can get along generally. Despite his being responsible for one of the top three most embarrassing moments of my life, I do still like him a great deal, and we've always had a good time together; our paths often cross professionally. We could be - We are good contacts for each other, people who could work together well. History is a strange thing.

Off to watch BSG.



Would it kill anyone here to listen to something that's not whiny emo or editing? Would it REALLY?


Never Use the Intertubes for Diagnosis

It's just a doorway to a world of worry. Like I need any more reasons for my imagination to run away with me.

Since I am weirdly exhausted - the rain really does that to me - I'll give a brief rundown to be expanded on later.

- Ear - Got yet more eardrops from doctor. Using earplugs to shower. Not fun, but neither is 'chewing' with your tongue.
- Thanksgiving - Made frittata with my dad and it was awesome. Drove the boat.
- BSG - HOLY CRAP. Wow. That was so good and interesting and compelling and I can't wait to see what happens next.
- Heroes - I still want them to form the Justice League already. I am so happy Ando is on the road with Hiro. I really liked that, even in Odessa, things are dark under the surface. I love Greg Grunberg.
- Computer - As the husband said, I am running through a field of flowers with my laptop in my arms. LOVE.
- Work - Banging away on sponsor stuff and trying to avoid pointing out how stupid it is for people to take/give money when they don't know what they're giving/getting for it. It's a good thing I'm here to straighten all that out. If they listen to me, which I am not so sure about. I sometimes wonder if the whole industry's this half-assed or it's just us.

More writers in the office today. I want to offer some help above and beyond my job, but a little scared to. I'll do it tomorrow for sure, when there's less going on. I guess the worst anyone can say is 'no'.

Well, they could tell me to fuck off, but that seems unlikely.


Turkey for you, turkey for me...

One of my favourite things is holiday movies. Mixed Nuts is a big one for me, not - depsite the subject - due to Adam Sandler, but because of Madeline Kahn. Rapping.

It pretty much rules. You know what else does? "I... I hated her so much... Flames on the sides of my face... Burning..."

Ahem. Anyway. I am at the parents, on the lake, able to look out over the water and see the stunning fall colours. I can smell burning leaves on the air and turkey in the oven. My ear infection seems to be getting under control, and I'm not in a whole lot of pain. BSG is tonight after dinner on Space, since we're a day behind. We're taping it to bring home so some friends can avoid downloading. I am pretty excited about it. It's not such bad day at all.

Watched The American President today - the proto-West Wing. I really like that movie, might have to buy it. The first few times I saw it after TWW started up, it freaked me right out to see Martin Sheen as Chief of Staff. It also makes me miss the hell out of Michael J. Fox.

The bus ride up here was hell. Leaving Toronto is hell these days, and someone needs to do something about the traffic - it apparently took the 2:30 bus FOUR HOURS to get up here... and it's usually a 1:45 ride. That's just wrong. The Toronto bus terminal is not made for the kind of business it's handling, and people get grouchy down there. Man. I am thinking that I will look into a GO train/bus thing to get partway there next time we head in this direction - it would be nice to avoid the stupidity.

Anyway, dinner's soon. I ought to go before I get bugged about playing with my new computer again. ;)


Oh yeah

Re-watching Heroes with the Rat, I noticed Jeph Loeb is working on it. Jeph 'Superman/Batman; Supergirl: Power' Loeb.


My baby is here!

My MacBook has come, and I am happily installing software right now. I am so glad to have a computer again, I can't even tell you. I'll be at home with it on Monday, working on a few ideas I have. And screwing around, likely. It's a new toy!

Came in this morning and H. says to me, 'WProducer has sent me an email and I have no clue what she's talking about.' This is common, but I was still all 'Oh god, what now?'

Basically, it seems that between marketing-girl leaving and new marketing-girl getting a job offer RETRACTED two hours before contract signing, someone dropped the balll on some sponsor-stuff we were supposed to do DESPITE us repeatedly mentioning that sponsor work was going to have to wait a little bit. Like, until this month, as we were trying to wrap the website re-design last month. I had just sent an idea the team came up with for website sponsorship, but we've heard little to nothing on it. Sigh. So, we will do what we can, I guess. Same as usual.

My health is bothering me a little, which is freaking me out mostly because I had a huge infection recently, so I worry. I am likely just being paranoid, but it's far too easy when you're worried about taking time off work. Plus, it really hurt and I don't want to go through it again. :P

Anyway, this weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving, so four day weekend to play with my computer and hang with the parents. My dad wants the husband to play golf - that could be amusing. Have a great weekend, whether you're off or not!




I watched ANTM while having an arguement with the husband. I didn't miss much. The arguement was at least somewhat productive and ended well before Lost.

We wouldn't fight during Lost. Like, duh.

Lost was really good. But it's The Nine that I thought about all night, thought about when I went to bed, thought about in the shower before work. I'm -still- thinking about The Nine, and I don't know if it's because it's just new or because it is actually that compelling. The tag line - 'What happened in there?' - is freaking brilliant because that is ALL I WANT TO KNOW. What happened to Felicia? What made them so close? Why did they want to protect one of the hostage takers? Questions on questions on questions, and I will personally look forward to figuring them out... but I worry that online fandom will do what they did to Lost, which is 'They don't tell us anything, this show sucks.' I hate that attitude - first, it's a character drama, so obviously whatever backstory we get will have more to do with character than events or grand conspiracy. Next - how the hell is a show supposed to remain interesting if we know everything up front?

Anyway, I wish I'd taped The Nine, 'cause wow. I could watch that a few times.

Lost was good, but it was a quiet opening - not a bad thing, just different. It seemed to show that the Others have their own issues that might work for the Lostaways they now have. My main question was: what are they doing with them? The husband said they're breaking them, but to what end? Why?
I know that answer isn't coming any time soon, but I like to think about it, which is why I like Lost and The Nine - and other shows like it - so much. I get to think about filling in the blanks.


Not Noisy My Ass

I have Justin Timberlake's new album on at high volume on my headphones. Not because this is helpful to my work, but because I currently can hear (even over the music I am playing):
  • Show #2 editing at top volume, becuase how the fuck else would he do it?
  • Emo next to me for the fourth week running, the same few songs
  • H.'s headphones, which are not on him, but still cranked loud
  • H.'s telephone call
  • Cell phones
I don't deal well with cross-noise. I once freaked on my family for having the tv, radio and CD player on all at once. Granted, I was a little crazy at the time, but you get the idea.

Random; Heroes, Friday Night Lights

Raining again; minor accident with a giant Hummer on the way to work caused a bit of slowness, but I was pleased when I saw it - serves the guy/girl right for buying one of those things. Wished I could have been on my bike, but given the weather - not a good plan.

I am constantly hungry. I think some hibernation instinct is kicking in.

I now feel badly for wanting to punch Studio 60's Harriet all the time, as she was Merlyn on American Gothic which is like, the best show ever. Even now when I see Gary Cole in a show, I yell, "Don't trust him, he's the devil!"

Heroes: An online acquaintance complained that the 'Bad Guy' was being poorly written because of his supposed omniscience - how did he know to look for, let alone steal, Claire's tape of her falling off of stuff? I don't know that I felt that was fair - I pointed out that it doesn't precisely serve the story to explain everything about shady government dude in the first two episodes. (We think Claire is adopted in the sense that she's under observation for just such powers.)
I like Heroes a lot. Like A LOT. It's to be expected - I'm likely part of the audience that they're aiming for. The characters are interesting for the most part, and Hiro is exceptionally well-written - as a Japanese Studies geek, I was loving how he sounded like an anime hero - and how his buddy sounded like a sidekick from the same.
"We -are- like everyone else. We're Japanese!" And the emphasis - Ni-Hon-Jin. Perfect.
The Heroes mostly have parallels in comics, but I am guessing new power combos are tough to come up with. Even Niki, Mirror-Image-Murderer, apparently is like Rose and Thorn (or as the husband pointed out, Jekyll and Hyde). Loved the Kitty Pryde shout-out. I like Peter and Nathan's mom, as well. As it appears that the powers are genetic (Suresh the Elder's research, Claire's adoption, Peter and Nathan, the possibility of Micah's hyper-intellect), I am curious as to what -she- can do, what Peter and Nathan's dad could do, who Claire's parents are. There's a lot to work with, and I am looking forward to the next episodes - and more Greg Grunberg would be awesome. I also enjoyed seeing Grace from Joan of Arcadia again in the detective role.

Friday Night Lights: I have to mull this one over a bit more. I'm not a football fan, and I enjoyed it - enjoyed the characters and the conflict they set up - but I called what was going to happen very early on (Chris Street being paralyzed; the back-up QB having to win the game; thus a season's worth of OMG PARALYZED! and OMG PRESSURE! for two characters). I don't know if that's good for me or bad for them or a little of both. I guess we'll see, but the acting is good and the story is compelling. It's hard for me not to be interested - with people not into footbal, it likely takes on a sort of sociological aspect - looking at what it's like to have football-as-life. I'm glad I don't live in Texas.


It just gets better

Varnish. All day. Right next to my desk.

Separated at Birth?

Noticed that one last night...

Computers, Rain, Offices

This is becoming a lame day on many levels. First, it is raining. Next, there are issues with getting my new laptop to me, which is putting a cramp in both my working and slacking at home. *checks mail* Or not, it's sorted. I hope to have it before the weekend, which would rule the school. I have a Thanksgiving trip to make and the purgatory of the Greyhound Bus would be much more bearable with MI-5 episodes (borrowed from father-in-law). Also, the newsletter did not get sent yesterday for Show #1. Next, there are various issues with the credits for Show #1, which makes me jump for joy. No really.

I have decided that, if I am offered a job in the future and it has to do with maintaining credits, I will tell the interviewer to fuck off. Okay - maybe not, but that is how I am currently feeling. Show #1 is working on a US sale of its first season to a big-time lifestyle network, so they want all this info that I have to put together. Thankfully, it is both there and accessible, but every time I put together a report in the way that I think they want it, it changes. I'm working with a database program I am not too skilled with, so I'm like, jury-rigging reports to make them work. Meanwhile, I am trying to get the credits for the episodes in production out of the art department, but they're busy with - you know - designing and packing a ton of stuff up for an episode to be shot up North. So, I feel bad for bugging them, but at the same time, I've got to get this all done and sent on to the editors when they need it.

And then, there's my office bitterness.

So, I had an office when I started here - I shared it with the marketing person, but it was my office and it was nice and quiet and I enjoyed working there. When marketing-girl left, I was booted out of the office very suddenly - like, I came into work, walked into my office, and my stuff was gone, shifted to a pretty exposed cubicle. This was after I had expressed my concerns about this to WProducer - I write for my job and being out amongst the loud meetings, painting, stacks of plumbing, boxes and fake plants was not something I relished. She seemed to think it wouldn't be too loud. The editor for Show #2 has disproven this EVERY DAY since I got moved out - he likes to edit at top volume with the door open. Anyway, I'm the 'web person', thus not important enough for an office. Now, I was told this was to accomodate another editing suite. Meanwhile, the room has sat empty for months. Until today - they just cleared it out for writing staff for the comedy that we're working on. Though I know that room for all of them is more important than just me - I still feel a little bitter and sad about my office; at least it's being USED.

On the plus side, writers in the office for a few weeks. If I can work up my nerve, maybe I'll offer help if necessary. I doubt it'll be an issue - and I am sure someone else around here might have the same idea - but I can at least keep my eyes and ears open and see what I can pick up.

I was going to write about Heroes, but I should get on the database thing - more later, likely. I could write about Studio 60 too, but mostly it would be about how much I want to punch Harriet.


Quick Weekend Thoughts

My computer died a few days ago, which makes doing anything from home difficult. I am typing away on the husband's computer, which I really don't like to do - not so much because I take away his time on it, though that is a situation - but more because it's so uncomfortable. I am finding that we're all quite particular about work-space - I can't do much but check mail here. The keyboard is sorta gross, in my estimation; the chair is uncomfortable; so on.

Before I forget about this - my friend Eliza was talking to me about Prison Break the other day, and she said 'I wish they were back in prison.' It's interesting how the new dynamic of the show is taking time to find some traction - we all knew that they couldn't drag out the actual breakout forever, but it's still tough to get used to the action being so spread out. In the last episode, I did like the fact that Team Escarpara was relegated to digging up a floor again, but I really couldn't figure out how anyone managed all the porny dialogue with a straight face. Anyway, I think there needs to be some deaths soon - Kellerman's pissed, so I bet he'll oblige.

Tomorrow is Heroes! Tomorrow is GREG GRUNBERG on Heroes, which makes me get all fangirly - I missed him so much during the last season of Alias, and felt the show lacked something when he was gone. In such a tense show, it was nice to have a laid-back funny guy. Heroes in general makes me squeal anyway - I was so excited to see the preview the first time, I almost teared up. Anything that makes superheroes look like they could exist in real life is pretty much awesome in my book. And Wolverine-As-Blonde-Cheerleader = Wicked.

I've been lent a massive amount of DC Comics of late by my friend the Rat, which I should get on reading. Very excited about reading Trinity - I love the Batman-Superman-Wonder Woman relationship.


Games as Schmooze

I hate networking. Hate hate hate hate it.

I can talk to anyone if we're just chatting over a pint or something and getting to know you - but if it's an actual situation where you're expected to schmooze or it moves over into that territory? Hate it, suck at it. I can't deal with talking to people with the specific purpose of getting contacts. I feel like I'm using people... and even if that's a two-way street, I still have a rough time doing it.

Thus, I am a little antsy about a conversation I had last night - the game I was playing until recently had a 'wrap party' of sorts last night - and surprisingly, I got to talking with a lot of people who would make excellent industry contacts. I've been interviewed by two media outlets, the game runners are involved in film, tv, theatre, and they all seemed to like your humble Minion very much. However, when this door of opportunity opens, I immediately second-guess all my conversations, wondering if I sounded like a moron, or like I was job-fishing, or whatever.

Beer does not help me sound intelligent. Beer, however, is required at a party.

Also, I should just stop telling people how old I am. I am now getting guesses around TEN YEARS younger than I actually am, which could be a big ol' plus. I look like a young up-and-comer instead of a easily distracted procras.... Oooh, shiny!


Hiding in Plain Sight

I've been sort of huddling at my all-too-open cubicle today because there's a meeting down the hall for Show #2. While Show #1 is an established series (though not particularly successful), Show #2 is a new lifestyle series with a host that is talented, excellent on camera - but very demanding. I have had next to no issues with her - though she's an editor, she approved the content that I did run by her with only a few minor changes. Given she's apparently a good editor besides (or at least, well paid), I felt pretty pleased about the situation.

Yesterday, when lunch was going on , Show #2 producer 'Sally' asked me how much time the host had spent on the web content. I was all 'Sorry?'. Sally said that the host had mentioned in her post-production write-up that she spent too much time on web content. I told her that she'd looked stuff over, but made few changes... so it was hard to see how she'd spent a lot of time on it. Sally said she'd be sure to ask about that.

So, yeah - it's cool that Sally is making sure that my work is acknowledged as my work or whatever. But at the same time, I ran into the host on the way to the bathroom and couldn't help but wonder if she was going to be pissed about that discussion.

So I complimented her skirt and went on my way. I am thinking I may go out for lunch today to read - and be avoidant.

A Start

First POST!!!111!

Heh. Anyway.

I work for a small production company that works primarily in lifestyle programming, though we've got a comedy pilot coming up for a Canadian network soon. I write for this company, but I write for the web, which is kind of like being the redheaded stepchild of the lot; everyone knows the web is somehow important, but no one wants to take the time to pass along information to the web team. I also maintain a credit and product info database, which is my own personal little hell - if getting general information out of people is hard, getting contra and on-camera stuff is near impossible.

What am I trying to do here? In short:

- get used to writing about writing and TV
- have a place to write about shows that people I know really won't care about
- have an anonymous place to bitch about my job

I am hoping I am lighter on the bitching, but who knows. I do like to complain.

I will be writing about some shows soon - but given that I am in the middle of a massive Alternate Reality Game that is thankfully ending tonight, the last thing I've actually sat down and watched aside from Simpsons reruns and Breakfast Television is Jon Stewart's interview with the President of Pakistan - which was really interesting, actually. Smart guy, and he handled the trickier questions very artfully. I think the US should be pretty glad this guy decided to be 'with them', though the amount to which that is happening now is debatable.

Later: Heroes, Top Model, Amazing Race, mourning Alias...