
Early morning 'smokers' cough

The husband's job requires that he must be at work about two hours earlier than the rest of the world. That means getting up with the start of Breakfast Television. As I am his partner in most things, I try to drag my ass out of bed at the same time - it allows me to move at my usual glacial pace without actually being late. As I am chronically late, this is a good thing. This morning, I was able to sew up holes in my sweater - thereby allowing myself to wear a rather nice outfit. Go me.

Being in early also gives me the chance to listen to what's going on around me. Often, all of that is drowned out by the music and loud editing, so on - so it's nice to listen to conversations about actors, hosts, rooms, etc.

However, coming in early also leaves me to read email before I am totally awake... Which is okay, but sometimes can immediately worry me. This tends to happen with WProducer, who sends emails in the small hours. The latest emails have me worrying that I am going to have to end up carrying some of her and marketing's job - since she's not here, and we don't have someone handling marketing. Because hiring someone when the main sponsor contact is NEVER IN THE OFFICE would be just silly.

Anyway - I don't mind contacting sponsors and stuff, especially with regards to my job - like, no one else really will and no one else really knows what they're talking about in that situation. But - I don't want this to be part of my job, you know? I don't really want to deal with marketing, don't want to have to tell sponsors that we don't have the data that they need to justify sponsorship, because we couldn't be bothered to get proper web analysis software.

People are coming in later all the time. Usually, everyone's here by around 10 at the latest - now, it's beginning to creep closer to 11. As I have a cough for some inexplicable reason today, I may take my coming in early and illness as reason to leave early and work from home.

Eh, we'll see. First, I gotta do some research, make some calls. Whee.

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