
Quick Weekend Thoughts

My computer died a few days ago, which makes doing anything from home difficult. I am typing away on the husband's computer, which I really don't like to do - not so much because I take away his time on it, though that is a situation - but more because it's so uncomfortable. I am finding that we're all quite particular about work-space - I can't do much but check mail here. The keyboard is sorta gross, in my estimation; the chair is uncomfortable; so on.

Before I forget about this - my friend Eliza was talking to me about Prison Break the other day, and she said 'I wish they were back in prison.' It's interesting how the new dynamic of the show is taking time to find some traction - we all knew that they couldn't drag out the actual breakout forever, but it's still tough to get used to the action being so spread out. In the last episode, I did like the fact that Team Escarpara was relegated to digging up a floor again, but I really couldn't figure out how anyone managed all the porny dialogue with a straight face. Anyway, I think there needs to be some deaths soon - Kellerman's pissed, so I bet he'll oblige.

Tomorrow is Heroes! Tomorrow is GREG GRUNBERG on Heroes, which makes me get all fangirly - I missed him so much during the last season of Alias, and felt the show lacked something when he was gone. In such a tense show, it was nice to have a laid-back funny guy. Heroes in general makes me squeal anyway - I was so excited to see the preview the first time, I almost teared up. Anything that makes superheroes look like they could exist in real life is pretty much awesome in my book. And Wolverine-As-Blonde-Cheerleader = Wicked.

I've been lent a massive amount of DC Comics of late by my friend the Rat, which I should get on reading. Very excited about reading Trinity - I love the Batman-Superman-Wonder Woman relationship.

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