
Hiding in Plain Sight

I've been sort of huddling at my all-too-open cubicle today because there's a meeting down the hall for Show #2. While Show #1 is an established series (though not particularly successful), Show #2 is a new lifestyle series with a host that is talented, excellent on camera - but very demanding. I have had next to no issues with her - though she's an editor, she approved the content that I did run by her with only a few minor changes. Given she's apparently a good editor besides (or at least, well paid), I felt pretty pleased about the situation.

Yesterday, when lunch was going on , Show #2 producer 'Sally' asked me how much time the host had spent on the web content. I was all 'Sorry?'. Sally said that the host had mentioned in her post-production write-up that she spent too much time on web content. I told her that she'd looked stuff over, but made few changes... so it was hard to see how she'd spent a lot of time on it. Sally said she'd be sure to ask about that.

So, yeah - it's cool that Sally is making sure that my work is acknowledged as my work or whatever. But at the same time, I ran into the host on the way to the bathroom and couldn't help but wonder if she was going to be pissed about that discussion.

So I complimented her skirt and went on my way. I am thinking I may go out for lunch today to read - and be avoidant.

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