First POST!!!111!
Heh. Anyway.
I work for a small production company that works primarily in lifestyle programming, though we've got a comedy pilot coming up for a Canadian network soon. I write for this company, but I write for the web, which is kind of like being the redheaded stepchild of the lot; everyone knows the web is somehow important, but no one wants to take the time to pass along information to the web team. I also maintain a credit and product info database, which is my own personal little hell - if getting general information out of people is hard, getting contra and on-camera stuff is near impossible.
What am I trying to do here? In short:
- get used to writing about writing and TV
- have a place to write about shows that people I know really won't care about
- have an anonymous place to bitch about my job
I am hoping I am lighter on the bitching, but who knows. I do like to complain.
I will be writing about some shows soon - but given that I am in the middle of a massive Alternate Reality Game that is thankfully ending tonight, the last thing I've actually sat down and watched aside from Simpsons reruns and Breakfast Television is Jon Stewart's interview with the President of Pakistan - which was really interesting, actually. Smart guy, and he handled the trickier questions very artfully. I think the US should be pretty glad this guy decided to be 'with them', though the amount to which that is happening now is debatable.
Later: Heroes, Top Model, Amazing Race, mourning Alias...
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