

So, Callaghan posted asking about the Battlestar Galactica podcasts - and that inspired me to hunt them down as well. You see, apparently, I don't get enough Cracktica in my weekly dose, so must go to other places to get me through.

Everyone who had that discussion - THANK YOU. I spent my day of writing a FASCINATING article on colour and databasing listening to the three part writer's meeting - and I cannot tell you how interesting and -instructive- it all is. It's also exciting to hear a group work with such creative synergy - inspiring, even. If you watch Galactica, I urge you to check 'em out on iTunes. If you don't watch it you can as well - just might be a bit confusing.

Now I want to spend the weekend with Alias commentaries. I miss the wigs. :(


ME said...

I have just joined the techno world and bought my first iPod Nano. Still haven't mastered working it yet (why doesn't it come with better instructions?).

Re: Alias. I miss the PVC dresses. And the wigs. Though I personally couldn't wear a wig for any length of time.

TV Minion said...

I am hoping I get an iPod for Xmas. I've been partially resisting it because I find that so many people are insulating themselves against the world with them... but there's a lot in taking transit that I wouldn't mind ignoring.

Wigs aren't bad - but yeah, I miss all the costumes. My favourite is still Syd-As-Russian-Officer. HAWT!

Kelly J. Crawford said...

I love it when Syd dresses up in those Euro-trash costumes. I agree with you, Minion. HAWT!