
No TV No Coffee Makes Minion Something Something

Don't mind If I DO!

So, my brother has a baby! Yay! I will likely not meet T. until the holiday, but wow am I excited.

Coffee machine is broken at work. That's coffee machine #3 since I've been here - which is not long enough to trash three coffee makers. Like, we brew a lot of coffee, but not much more than 3-4 pots a day. I think. I drank some tea, but today it's not cutting it. Waking up at 4 AM, eventually sleeping, then sleeping IN + half-hour wait for the bus = groggy, spacy Minion.

Yesterday, JerkHost waved to me as he pulled out of the parking lot. AMAZING!

Also, if any of my guy-writer-readers were loitering around the Starbucks at Yonge and Wellesley at 10ish on Saturday, I heard you talking about script stuff on your cell... I only post this because said Cell-Script-Talkin'-Dude looked vaguely familiar.

There's some random sleepiness for you. Back to Contra!

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