

I was going to post this morning - honest! - even before the lovely Caroline's check-in appeared in Gmail. Thanks - still alive, but working on the opposite. :P The infection continues to plague me, and I think I will be demanding a specialist shortly. Two courses of antibiotics seem to be taking a toll on my body. :P

Other than sleeping, sleeping, and being generally grouchy with the world, things have been decent. Slow, but interesting work proceeds apace on my project with the husband - who I will now name Vaughn 'cause someone said he looked like Michael Vartan once. It's a stretch, but it means I'm Sydney! Anyway, Vaughn and I have had some good talks about character and such, and I have done a little writing. He's a little wrapped up in his course - understandable - and I should be soon as well. However, I am trying to schedule specific times to work.

In terms of work, I was home yesterday due to illness - which is both nice and not-nice - nice in the way of getting writing done, getting it done on my couch and being able to nap part of the afternoon, bad in the sense that I am never sure what 'enough' work is; I mean, when you go into work, you're done at the end of the day, regardless of whether anything's been accomplished - at home, you feel like you MUST produce to justify working at home.

I wish this worked for my personal writing - a possible solution is kicking myself out to the Metro Reference Library once in awhile. It's down the street from the house and has proven to be excellent for research in the past.

Speaking of research, I should look into my online course - as I am still, slowly and painfully, finishing my degree. Once I get it, I'ma be like Rocky up on that podium. They'll never get me down.

(Also, Writer Update: Haven't seen them in awhile, but when I tried to help with a tech problem, they were quite nice and know me now... sadly, I think they may have been moved to the new show office. Serves me right if I was being a wimp about the whole thing.)

1 comment:

ME said...

Hey girl ... sharing your misery on the sickess front. I'm now using a puffer because of this bronchial flu I've had for a few days shy of a month. And I don't have asthma. Freaky. I'm starting to think I should just put myself out of my own misery ... I am so sick of being sick! You probably have a very good idea of what I mean by that.

I have no big news to report. Status quo, except that I locked my cat out in the hallway last night accidentally (she escaped) and my neighbour found her this morning. I am a bad pet parent.