
LOST: What happened to...?

IGN presents the Top 50 LOST loose ends.

It's a great way to look back at the show and try to figure out what's going on - and guess what questions will NEVER be answered.


Fun and Random

I am starving 24/7. Is this what winter does to us in Northern climates? We must eat when it is time for cold weather? Or is it something ingrained from my Viking-ish heritage? If so, why am I such a cheap drunk?

I have watched a rough cut of a later Buzz Show recently - the jokes are a little too easy sometimes. I guess that might make it safe or comforting, but I would like to see it seem a bit - riskier. Or just less go-to than it is now.

Applied for a morning show job. Considering I can't get my ass out of bed, this may be unwise, but hey.

I go home to forage for my dinner.


Xmas Countdown

I did my mom's family Xmas on the weekend, which was nice as it allowed for a certain amount of hanging out with the parentals. It's funny how that becomes an enjoyable thing, eventually.

Anyway, we were talking about the kitchen redesign they're planning, and I was talking about it with some interest, as my stint in lifestyle TV has given me a little more practical design knowledge than I had before.

"You'll have to re-paint," I said knowledgably. "It would be good if you could paint the same colour as in the living room - that way, it'll flow through and really expand the space..."

I would have finished, but that's when my mom and dad started laughing at me. "EXPAND the SPACE! Hah!"

I'll never have a big ego with the people in my life, at least?


Where to write

I ran into a friend waiting for the bus to work; he's a comic book/horror writer, and though most of his projects are smallish, he's very talented, scary-smart, and getting good buzz. He usually works at home, but he's been heading into his friend's office of late to work there, as he says he finds it difficult to write about horrible nasty things when his daughter is running around and wanting to play. Fair enough.

Got me to thinking about where to do writing - seems that a lot of people do so in coffee shops and so forth. I suppose home is too filled with distractions - I can totally understand that. Even so, my 'favourite' memories of mad paper-writing is of the times I dragged myself from bed at 4:30 or 5 AM. The still, silent, not-much-on-TV, no-one-online time of day worked so well for me - from like, 5 to 9, I would be able to sit and work, feeling a bit tired - but rested and focused.

I need to try to get up like that again, but I find it difficult to wake immediately, to pull myself out of a warm bed when it's dark and cold. I'm going to try to start working Sundays at the Metro Reference Library with the SO - now that I have a laptop, it'll be that much easier to do that sort of thing.

Where do people write? How much discipline is involved? Is it good to schedule time, or work when the mood/deadline strikes?

I believe you have my stapler...

"See, it's not that I'm lazy, Bob. It's that I just don't care."

I love Office Space. Mostly because I can so relate. I have a dream of doing nothing. It might get boring after a bit, but I bet I could sleep in and sit on my ass for a good year or two before it got old.

Ugh. To work. At least I have a fabulously warm fuzzy new hat! I am very bright this winter - a nice change from the usual black.


Oh, and audition...

It was fun, it was quick, I was interesting and quirky and fun. But there were many interesting, quirky, fun women there as well, so who knows? Callbacks are on Saturday, so I imagine I'll hear before then... I mean, if I get called back.

Go On With Your Bad Self, Stephane Dion

Though my chosen party of 'communists'(TM Eliza) are busily already dissing the new Liberals in the Globe and Mail, I am a little excited about this Stephane Dion heading up the Liberal Party. Like, it seems interesting that the guy who no one -really- thought would win kicked everyone's ass. Like it means there's a change coming, but who knows. Maybe the new boss is the same as the old boss. Even so, go on Stephane and rock The Hill. I wanna see that guy and Layton go at it.

My weekend was stupidly busy, mostly due to my own fault - I left things to the last minute, and when they went wrong - as they do - I had to rush around to fix them. So, I ended up backing out of some plans I had and forging forward with the original committment - less fun, but the job is done and I am pleased with the result. Last night was a large game (think Dungeons and Dragons, but with more people. And not a fantasy setting) and it was busy and mental and it was -interesting- on a lot of levels. I have a post brewing about why I like the idea of TV writing so much, and one of the reasons is from last night: When you want a scene to go a certain way, it -can-.

IndieProducer Guy is weird. Radio silence forever, then he IMed me Friday to mention that auditioning hosts was going well, though not giving me much of an update. I shot him an email today about an updated story idea, and he's asked me to contact them and get some people releases. So, it appears I am still on board, and maybe he's just super-busy, crazy-disorganized, or some combination thereof. I will think about giving him a call too though!

Caroline: I am pretty feisty. I think some might replace 'strong-willed' with 'stubborn', but I'm trying to learn. Also, I am meant to get some funky experiments done to my hair shortly - I do this sort of thing a lot.


Rain and Cold and Headaches and Weekends

The weather in Toronto is brutal today - It's cold and rainy, and I would rather it snowed. It also plays havoc with my migraines, as pressure is one of my big triggers. I'm doing acupuncture again to try to be rid of them - it helps with a lot of different issues I have, so I hope that it will continue to do so.

I have a weird weekend coming up - I have to finish and assemble a project for the SO; I have a show and a big gathering on Sunday; I have a commercial audition (!?!?!) on Saturday morning for a 'real people' sorta campaign - and it don't get realer than me, baby. Wish me luck - though I am not interested in acting and stuff these days, I am interested in the cash infusion a spot in a campaign could give me - so I am going to go on with my charming self and knock their socks off.

Also, I haven't heard ANYTHING about Pop Culture Show, despite emails and IMs. Maybe going off to try to see my brother's kid be born was a bad decision, but if so? Oh well. My family is important to me, and if people can't understand that these things happen, fuck 'em. I am getting that attitude more often lately - if you won't work with me based on my fashion, or my political beliefs, or occasional familial obligations, well. Whatever. I still hope to hear from the Producer Guy though, as it's a neat show idea.

And thanks to caroline for the note about The Nine - my interest in the show waned when I was sick and when I realized that the events during the hostage taking were more compelling than those afterward. Maybe it's another one of those shows that would have been well-served by a limited run - like 1 show per hour of the negotiation, half in the past, half in the present. I guess, in the end, I didn't see enough of what happened to keep my interest up... however, it was a great cast and an interesting idea - so raise a glass to The Nine tonight or tomorrow. Or take a hit from the bong. Whatever works for you.

ETA: Also, I am now taking a course on Canadian Cultural Policy. Oooh! So, soon, I should be the Queen of CanCon Info, and I thus welcome everyone to ask me questions, as it will make me do my readings.