
Games as Schmooze

I hate networking. Hate hate hate hate it.

I can talk to anyone if we're just chatting over a pint or something and getting to know you - but if it's an actual situation where you're expected to schmooze or it moves over into that territory? Hate it, suck at it. I can't deal with talking to people with the specific purpose of getting contacts. I feel like I'm using people... and even if that's a two-way street, I still have a rough time doing it.

Thus, I am a little antsy about a conversation I had last night - the game I was playing until recently had a 'wrap party' of sorts last night - and surprisingly, I got to talking with a lot of people who would make excellent industry contacts. I've been interviewed by two media outlets, the game runners are involved in film, tv, theatre, and they all seemed to like your humble Minion very much. However, when this door of opportunity opens, I immediately second-guess all my conversations, wondering if I sounded like a moron, or like I was job-fishing, or whatever.

Beer does not help me sound intelligent. Beer, however, is required at a party.

Also, I should just stop telling people how old I am. I am now getting guesses around TEN YEARS younger than I actually am, which could be a big ol' plus. I look like a young up-and-comer instead of a easily distracted procras.... Oooh, shiny!


Hiding in Plain Sight

I've been sort of huddling at my all-too-open cubicle today because there's a meeting down the hall for Show #2. While Show #1 is an established series (though not particularly successful), Show #2 is a new lifestyle series with a host that is talented, excellent on camera - but very demanding. I have had next to no issues with her - though she's an editor, she approved the content that I did run by her with only a few minor changes. Given she's apparently a good editor besides (or at least, well paid), I felt pretty pleased about the situation.

Yesterday, when lunch was going on , Show #2 producer 'Sally' asked me how much time the host had spent on the web content. I was all 'Sorry?'. Sally said that the host had mentioned in her post-production write-up that she spent too much time on web content. I told her that she'd looked stuff over, but made few changes... so it was hard to see how she'd spent a lot of time on it. Sally said she'd be sure to ask about that.

So, yeah - it's cool that Sally is making sure that my work is acknowledged as my work or whatever. But at the same time, I ran into the host on the way to the bathroom and couldn't help but wonder if she was going to be pissed about that discussion.

So I complimented her skirt and went on my way. I am thinking I may go out for lunch today to read - and be avoidant.

A Start

First POST!!!111!

Heh. Anyway.

I work for a small production company that works primarily in lifestyle programming, though we've got a comedy pilot coming up for a Canadian network soon. I write for this company, but I write for the web, which is kind of like being the redheaded stepchild of the lot; everyone knows the web is somehow important, but no one wants to take the time to pass along information to the web team. I also maintain a credit and product info database, which is my own personal little hell - if getting general information out of people is hard, getting contra and on-camera stuff is near impossible.

What am I trying to do here? In short:

- get used to writing about writing and TV
- have a place to write about shows that people I know really won't care about
- have an anonymous place to bitch about my job

I am hoping I am lighter on the bitching, but who knows. I do like to complain.

I will be writing about some shows soon - but given that I am in the middle of a massive Alternate Reality Game that is thankfully ending tonight, the last thing I've actually sat down and watched aside from Simpsons reruns and Breakfast Television is Jon Stewart's interview with the President of Pakistan - which was really interesting, actually. Smart guy, and he handled the trickier questions very artfully. I think the US should be pretty glad this guy decided to be 'with them', though the amount to which that is happening now is debatable.

Later: Heroes, Top Model, Amazing Race, mourning Alias...