

I've been SUPER busy at work lately, which is nice. I like having things to do, and there's certainly a lot of it right now. I've been doing everything from burning DVDs to getting passport applications to writing or revamping show descriptions, tracking down press kits... It doesn't really makke for me getting a lot done any given day, but I think the week in general will be productive. Things are getting interesting around here. I'm curious to see what happens next.

There's also a lot more people in the office, which makes my days less draggy and dull. Everyone seems buoyant and happy, which is also a nice change. Work seems to be going - dare I say it - well. I mean, given it's work and all. I think if they just let me talk to more people and problem-solve, I'm a happier person.

Indie Producer Guy IMed me about another meeting... I gotta say, I am a little wary of people who do all meeting, etc. planning over MSN. Like, it's great for quick chats and questions, but I am not sure that I want IMs to be my usual form of communication. But, it's something to work on, so I will likely go. I just have other plans in the evening, and I really don't know if I can shift them around. I'm ambivalent generally, I guess. Even a bad experience is experience though - so hey. It's worth trying to get back into.

I caught The Knights of Prosperity last night while online futzing around. It's not a bad show, some good lines, interesting-looking characters. I think I like the theme song the most, though I'd still rather it be called 'Let's Rob Mick Jagger.'

Other than that, I pushed my SingStar high score to 8550 - Go me! When I get to the 9000's, I'll up the difficulty level.


wcdixon said...

Busy busy busy...still?

Callaghan said...

Where'd you disappear to? You're worse than me!

And, you've been tagged. But I have no idea how to put a direct link to it here in the comments section.

TV Minion said...

I suck, ya'll.